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  • Your enthusiasm was contagious, since my very first session with you, we laughed, I cried plenty, I got angry with you sometimes, I have resented you, but you were always there with a big smile and up for whatever I was bringing to therapy. What a ride as I have learned so much about myself, my capacities, flaws and how to be the best version of myself as you keep telling me. I have changed for the best and that is for sure and so thank you (R., 47)

  • I never thought I was going to get through this, just your energy put me at ease. You actually believed in me and then I started to believe too, it did take time but I'm so very thankful and grateful for everything you taught me and for really listening to me and seing me through (S., 56)

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Holding Hands
Holding Hands
  • Now that we have ended our sessions, I will have your voice imprinted with love, wisdom and your support. If I am going to have further doubts, I will be remembering your positive voice, so very grateful for everything (L., 36).

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  • You know if you hadn’t told me what you saw, I don’t think I would have ever been able to identify those things in me, no one ever told me before and I didn’t know. Having a different perspective, gave me a different outlook on my life, so grateful for your help and support. (A., 43)


  • I was always looking forward to the sessions, wondering what exercises we were going to do. I'm not stressed anymore about school, I am sad that they're over but very happy I had counselling sessions with you (M., 12).

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